

Dec 2012 - Jan 2021

Sermons in this series

by Jim Brown | Series: Passover | Duration: 1 hr 35 mins 54 secs

4053 WN011321 “Put On” – Imperative Mood (A Command)- Enduo (Sink Into Clothing)- Washed Us In His Own Blood- Sin Versus Righteousness- Inner Man/Outer Man (Sabbath Series)

by Jim Brown | Series: Passover | Duration: 1 hr 40 mins 22 secs

3885 SM041419 Last Will And “Testament” (Diatheke)- An Example (Hupolimpano – To “Bequeath”) After Dying- To “Drink The Cup” (Taste Death Daily)- Spiritual Passover

by Jim Brown | Series: Passover | Duration: 1 hr 35 mins 59 secs

3399 WN061015 “Drinking The Cup” (Death To Self) Is The Antithesis To Charismatic Doctrine Of Fulfill Self- The Cup Is God's Judgment For Doing Evil, And Evil Men's Judgment Upon The Righteous For Doing Good

by Jim Brown | Series: Passover | Duration: 1 hr 36 mins 8 secs

3396 WN060315 The Inheritance Of God's People Is Drinking The Cup Which Means “To Taste Of Death” (Die Daily)- Where Did The Bread And Wine Originate? The New Testament Because Of Force Upon The Death Of Jesus (Passover Series)

by Jim Brown | Series: Passover | Duration: 1 hr 35 mins 16 secs

3076 WN040313 Spiritual Passover: Last Will And Testament = Drinking The Cup = Death To Self = Daily Cross = Bequeath = No Sin = No Guile = Etc.

by Jim Brown | Series: Passover | Duration: 1 hr 36 mins 5 secs

3058 WN022013 Spiritual Passover: “Handwriting” Nailed To Cross -- A Legal Term Concerning Debt- No More Rituals

by Jim Brown | Series: Passover | Duration: 1 hr 40 mins 58 secs

3046 WN012313 Spiritual Passover: This Is The Testament – “Old And New”- Partaking Unworthily- Whited Sepulchres Are Hypocrites – Don't Run With Them

by Jim Brown | Series: Passover | Duration: 2 hrs 29 mins 39 secs

3040 WN010913 Spiritual Passover: The Cup Is the New “Last Will And Testament” – It Is The Inheritance, Inherit, Heir, Bequeath

by Jim Brown | Series: Passover | Duration: 1 hr 47 mins 22 secs

3034 WN122612 The Spiritual Passover – God's Last Will & Testament To The Sheep – It Is Not “Communion” of “Crackers And Grape Juice”

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